Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Then there was a crib...

Here I am... expectant mother at 16wks 6 days, and proud daddy overwhelmed with cribs.

After getting my tire fixed due to a lovely nail that flattened another tire, we were off to lunch at Olive Garden.  That was delicious.  It really had nothing to do with our crib but it was our day.  So, after lunch we went over to Babies R Us just to look around.  We actually found a really beautiful crib that was the right color and the right price.  It was only  $299 and everything else we liked was $399-$499.  Eek!   We decided we'd just go for it and order it.  Although my heart was racing and my hands were shaking, I knew it was a very exciting moment.  It really makes things real.  Aside from the sonograms, the 3 outfits that we were given for Christmas, and the few baby blankets that we were also given, there's nothing in our back room.  With the crib coming in the next 7-14 days, it will be so real.  I can't wait to start decorating! I can't wait to order the bedding and start painting the room.  I want to paint the room neutral because I don't want to have to do it again in a few years, unless we really want to.  I want something classy and classic, maybe a chair rail with a darker color on the bottom and a lighter color on top.  Hmmm... things to think about. 

Here's the bed we ordered! It's beautiful!

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